
Design CFPs

AUTHORS: Please read the section on POSTING GUIDELINES, below, and follow those guidelines when posting here. This section of my blog is an attempt to provide broad access to a list of open calls for papers (and related announcements) for journals and conferences pertaining to design.  It’s run by Fil Salustri (salustri@ryerson.ca).

Coverage is currently limited to whatever I can reasonably add.  If you would like to contribute, I can add you as an author.  Email me your request (details below).

This blog is currently run strictly on a part-time, voluntary basis.

For Prospective Authors

Would you like to contribute to this blog?
The more people contribute to this blog, the more comprehensive its coverage will be.  I’m particularly interested in people willing to represent research groups, departments, or societies.
If you already have an account or a blog on Blogger, skip to step #2.  Since Blogger is a Google product, you can sign in with any Google account you may have.
  1. If you do not have a Google account:
    1. Go to https://www.blogger.com/start.
      Follow the links and directions to create an account.
    2. Make sure the account is active before continuing; instructions will be provided by Google.
  2. Once you have a Google/Blogger account, or if you already have a Blogger blog:
    1. Send an email message to salustri@ryerson.ca and tell me the email address that is associated with the Google account that you will use to author posts.
    2. Indicate that you would like to be a contributor, and (just for my information) which group(s) you might represent, and what general disciplines might be covered by your postings.
    3. I’ll arrange for an "invite" to be an author on the blog.  You will receive an email on your Google account from me, asking you to accept the invitation to be an author on the blog The Trouble with Normal.
    4. Once you accept the invitation, you will automagically be made an author.
    5. Please read the Posting Guidelines below before you start posting announcements.

Posting Guidelines

Anyone who has ever used a Blogger blog knows how to post.  I do not have time at the moment to teach new users how to use Blogger – although it’s really easy to learn.
These guidelines go beyond the standard instructions for creating posts, and they are only meant to help keep this blog tidy and well-organized.

Before You Post

Before you post a CFP:
  • Check that the publisher is not on Beall’s list of predatory publishers.  I will remove any posts about CFPs by publishers on Beall’s list as soon as I notice them.
  • Check to make sure your CFP wasn’t already posted by someone else.
  • Make sure the CFP is related to design.  This blog covers other topics, but I only post CFPs relating to design.  I will remove other CFPs.  If you're not sure, check with me.
  • You are encouraged to add a graphic that is representative of the CFP at the start of your post.  Please do not upload ginormous multi-gigabyte graphics and then scale them down, as this consumes too much of the blog's quota.  Prepare an appropriate image before you post. 
    • Please do not link to a graphic elsewhere on the web, as that tends to mess up the formatting.

Elements of a Post

Consistent format and style make the blog easier to read.  Please follow the following style guidelines.

DO NOT COPY & PASTE CONTENTS.  When you copy & paste contents, you carry with it the formatting from the original you copied from.  This will break the blog's formatting!
There's nothing wrong with copying from another source to save yourself the trouble of typing it all in again - but please do an unformatted paste, then reformat as appropriate.
It takes me forever to clean up the extra formatting.

TITLE OF YOUR POST. The title should include the full name of the event, suitably abbreviated. Include the event acronym if there is one. Include the month and year of the event, and the city where it will be held (if applicable).  Examples:
  • MMEP2010: 1st Intl Conf on Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes (July 2010, Cambridge, UK)
  • Design and Hockey Workshop (Jan 2011, Toronto, Canada)
START WITH ESSENTIAL INFORMATION. List the (a) dates, (b) location, (c) website, and (d) submission deadline of your event, at the very top of the post.  Anyone with any interest in your event will care most about those things, so put ’em up front!

LABEL CAREFULLY! Tags (Google calls them "labels") are essential to make Blogger file your post in the right section.  To keep things organized, here are the rules:

  • The label cfp must be put on any CFP post.  (This tag is used to separate CFPs from other types of posts on the blog.)
  • Do not add the label design. Every CFP is design-related, so adding the label is redundant.
  • One label denoting the type of entry: conference, journal, workshop, scholarship, or competition.  If you really need a new category label, you can of course just add it, but please check with me first.
    • Note: the "scholarship" tag covers all postings about funding for students, regardless of the actual type of funding.
  • At least one label denoting the general discipline (excluding design which is common to every CFP).
  • At least one label that is specific to the topic of the CFP.
  • No more than 6 labels total please.  We don't want thousands of labels.  The blog editor will show you a list of existing labels; please try to use existing ones whenever possible.

THE FIRST PARAGRAPH IS KEY. The first full paragraph should be a “hook” – a stand-alone paragraph that is short, yet also attracts the attention of all your target audience.

SMALL IMAGES ACCEPTABLE. If you have handy a small image, feel free to include it in your post. Left-justify it at the beginning of the first paragraph of text (see previous note), below the date/location/website/deadline info. Please use the image editing options to select a size no larger than 1/2 the width of the editing pane.  The blog will do the rest.

TIDINESS MATTERS. We’re all busy, but a clean, professional post with a consistent look and feel will bring more eyeballs to the blog – and to your entries.  Take a few minutes to make sure it’s as clean as you can make it.

MISTAKES HAPPEN. We can always tweak posts, so don’t worry too much if you make a mistake.  But the fewer mistakes, the less administrivial work I have to put into maintaining the blog. If you're entirely stuck, please feel free to contact me.



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The Trouble with Normal...: Design CFPs
Design CFPs
The Trouble with Normal...
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