Dates: 18-20 June 2018
Location: Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Website: ServDes
Deadline for submissions: UPDATED 16 November 2017
ServDes is the premier international research conference exploring service design and service innovation. ServDes.2018 is organised by the Design System of Politecnico di Milano, which comprises the Department of Design, the School of Design and the Consortium
The theme of ServDes.2018 is “Service Design Proof of Concept”.
Service Design can no longer be considered an ‘emerging discipline’. Though recent and in continuous evolution, it is now consolidated enough to be assessed and reviewed in terms of effectiveness and impact on economy and society: how far has the logic of services (and of Service Design culture) influenced the different domains of innovation and value creation? How much has this been truly integrated into the innovation process of private and public sectors? How effectively has this been understood, evaluated and discussed? How far have digital technologies and media been influencing service design and delivery?
Initially, Service Design mainly concentrated on the paradigm shift from designing the materiality of objects to focusing on immaterial experiences, interfaces, interactions, and strategies. Thus, for some decades attention has been paid to the changing role and competencies of the designer, and to the establishment of Service Design as a discipline in its own right, despite its multi-disciplinary approach which includes management, ethnography, sociology, and organizational studies, to mention but a few.
Now it is time to validate and review the models, processes and practices developed and used in the service design ecosystem, from its academic community to practitioners, companies and organizations at large.
The overarching scope of the conference is to reflect on the evolution and impact that this discipline and practice has made in different fields and sectors. To do this, ServDes2018 will create an opportunity firstly for sharing thoughts and experiences among scholars, practitioners and organisations, and secondly, to discuss service design in terms of proof of concept, and the extent to which public and private organizations are ready to embed service design into their processes.
The main areas of discussion for the conference will be organised into the following tracks:
1. Learning and practicing
2. Sharing and collaborating
3. Measuring and evaluating
4. Governing and evidencing
5. Producing, distributing and organising
6. Experiencing and shaping
7. Community and relationship building
8. Envisioning and evolving
Authors are invited to submit a full paper up to 5000 words addressing these tracks.
Submitted contributions will be subject to double-blind peer review.
Accepted contributions will be published electronically in open access in the conference proceedings edited by Linköping University Electronic Press.
Key dates:
6th November 2017: Deadline for contributions
31st January 2018: Notification of acceptance with suggestions for revision
1st February 2018: Opening of conference registration
28th February 2018: Deadline for early bird registration
30th April 2018: Final submissions uploaded to website
18th- 20th June 2018: Conference in Milan
Location: Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Website: ServDes
Deadline for submissions: UPDATED 16 November 2017
ServDes is the premier international research conference exploring service design and service innovation. ServDes.2018 is organised by the Design System of Politecnico di Milano, which comprises the Department of Design, the School of Design and the Consortium
The theme of ServDes.2018 is “Service Design Proof of Concept”.
Service Design can no longer be considered an ‘emerging discipline’. Though recent and in continuous evolution, it is now consolidated enough to be assessed and reviewed in terms of effectiveness and impact on economy and society: how far has the logic of services (and of Service Design culture) influenced the different domains of innovation and value creation? How much has this been truly integrated into the innovation process of private and public sectors? How effectively has this been understood, evaluated and discussed? How far have digital technologies and media been influencing service design and delivery?
Initially, Service Design mainly concentrated on the paradigm shift from designing the materiality of objects to focusing on immaterial experiences, interfaces, interactions, and strategies. Thus, for some decades attention has been paid to the changing role and competencies of the designer, and to the establishment of Service Design as a discipline in its own right, despite its multi-disciplinary approach which includes management, ethnography, sociology, and organizational studies, to mention but a few.
Now it is time to validate and review the models, processes and practices developed and used in the service design ecosystem, from its academic community to practitioners, companies and organizations at large.
The overarching scope of the conference is to reflect on the evolution and impact that this discipline and practice has made in different fields and sectors. To do this, ServDes2018 will create an opportunity firstly for sharing thoughts and experiences among scholars, practitioners and organisations, and secondly, to discuss service design in terms of proof of concept, and the extent to which public and private organizations are ready to embed service design into their processes.
The main areas of discussion for the conference will be organised into the following tracks:
1. Learning and practicing
2. Sharing and collaborating
3. Measuring and evaluating
4. Governing and evidencing
5. Producing, distributing and organising
6. Experiencing and shaping
7. Community and relationship building
8. Envisioning and evolving
Authors are invited to submit a full paper up to 5000 words addressing these tracks.
Submitted contributions will be subject to double-blind peer review.
Accepted contributions will be published electronically in open access in the conference proceedings edited by Linköping University Electronic Press.
Key dates:
6th November 2017: Deadline for contributions
31st January 2018: Notification of acceptance with suggestions for revision
1st February 2018: Opening of conference registration
28th February 2018: Deadline for early bird registration
30th April 2018: Final submissions uploaded to website
18th- 20th June 2018: Conference in Milan