Website: Biomimetics
Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2020
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Julian Vincent
Per the guest editor:
Over the last 20 years or so, I have several times been asked to write a comprehensive review of biomimetics. I have resisted, because there were no effective tools giving access to biological solutions for technologists and too few examples of successful implementation of technical concepts and functions derived from biology. It seems that the initial bubble of excitement has given way to a more thoughtful approach, largely because it takes so long (10 to 15 years, perhaps) to turn an idea into a technical reality. Also, in that time the topic areas have broadened out, and more people are involved.
So, I feel no guilt or embarrassment (when did that ever happen?) in continuing to resist writing such a review, since I am no longer able to cover such a wide field with competence. Indeed, it concerns biology, physiology, chemistry, materials, surfaces, medicine, robotics, mathematics, design, engineering and, I suppose, sales and marketing. These topics all have a part to play.
There is another closed loop here, because the first journal called Biomimetics was published in the early 1990s by Plenum, edited by myself and Professor Srinivasan. It was, of course, too early on the scene and foundered. This time around it is all coming together.
Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2020
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Julian Vincent
Per the guest editor:
Over the last 20 years or so, I have several times been asked to write a comprehensive review of biomimetics. I have resisted, because there were no effective tools giving access to biological solutions for technologists and too few examples of successful implementation of technical concepts and functions derived from biology. It seems that the initial bubble of excitement has given way to a more thoughtful approach, largely because it takes so long (10 to 15 years, perhaps) to turn an idea into a technical reality. Also, in that time the topic areas have broadened out, and more people are involved.
So, I feel no guilt or embarrassment (when did that ever happen?) in continuing to resist writing such a review, since I am no longer able to cover such a wide field with competence. Indeed, it concerns biology, physiology, chemistry, materials, surfaces, medicine, robotics, mathematics, design, engineering and, I suppose, sales and marketing. These topics all have a part to play.
There is another closed loop here, because the first journal called Biomimetics was published in the early 1990s by Plenum, edited by myself and Professor Srinivasan. It was, of course, too early on the scene and foundered. This time around it is all coming together.