Website: PAD20
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 11 Sep 2020
Guest editors: Maria Antonietta Sbordone and Gianni Montagna
Publishers invite authors to send their contributions focused on Fashion and Textiles to participate to the no. 20 of PAD - Pages on Arts and Design online journal.
The belated action of the humankind is part of its nowadays’ character, overwhelming the rhythm of the cycles of ecosystems, the effects of which they are propagated by presenting themselves in different forms; among these, the appearance of the emergency phenomenon, as an effect of the absence of sustainable action, exposes the entire society and the biological basis, on which the forms of civilization are perpetuated, to a serious risk.
An absence that confronts us with pressing questions about the real will of human action in terms of forecasting capacity and solution of its impact on the ecosystems. Sustainable action, could foresees the effects, designs the remedies to mitigate the damages, thinks about the safety of the global society as a whole, can allow to find solutions to the occurrence of unexpected and unwanted phenomena.
We look for a comparison and discussion from the absence of sustainable human action which leads us to the hostile form of the occurrence of the emergency phenomenon, facing the absence of technological protection of human values and welfare. The emergency is now to discuss and compare the different disciplinary areas in general, Fashion and Textiles in particular, in order to inspire and promote the turn up of a new dialogue more or less close and coordinated, but effective, in order to reconstruct the links between society and ecosystems.
The Call for papers focuses on Fashion and Textiles, as the most polluting sectors and, where the reconstruction of the real value chain is most urgent and in harmony with the needs of consumers and the protection of ecosystems. The reflection will be oriented to the emergency created by the textile/clothing sectors and the urgency of a sustainable and effective response, not only with regard to production processes but mostly as an effect above all the re-adaptation of social and cultural interpretative models. Tools of communication and persuasion par excellence, Fashion and Textiles are called to reinvent themselves in the role of (in)form, (re)innovate, (re)build and conciliate the relationship between human needs and the balance of ecosystems, so as to make coexistence possible.
Humans behave and the effects on the entire ecosystem that surrounds and supports it must be re-discussed, raising questions and proposing measures that minimize the current emergency and prevent future ones.
We hope an open, transparent and productive comparison and confrontation between the knowledge of the various scientific areas for/by the formulation of new theories and practices that allow the establishment of renewed balances, thanks to visions and solutions that implement forms of sustainability, according to the logic of circular economy.
The call, therefore, proposes discussion in the form of a dialectical debate between two or more research areas assuming that different systems, logics, methods, tools could establish and discuss the creation of complex synergies.
The aim is to establish a conscious design action that is able to give strong answers to the issues due to human inconsistencies, in terms of sustainable solutions to the impacts that cause environmental and social emergencies, reconstructing synergies between two specific but complementary sectors.
The social aspects, environmental compatibility, the economic challenge are the main references from which the diachronic and synchronic comparison for the Fashion and Textile sectors is articulated, according to the following categories:
- design theories and practices: new ideas and knowledge are investigated according to a complementary logic in order to present new proposals and visions on society, products and forms of consumption;
- tangible and intangible resources and skills: new productive possibilities and inclusive practices are proposed, where the priority aspects of sustainability give rise to innovative forms of thinking and doing;
- strategies for sustainability and circularity (circular economy): a new value chain materializes, considering the intrinsic values of the fashion and textile product through strategies that support, adapt and reuse.
The topics will be oriented by the following areas formulated according to the proposed ambivalences, not limiting any contributions that reveal further dual pairs:
- market / consumer
- production/manufacturing
- economy/resources
- territories/excellence
- project/company
- concept / reality
- creation / production
- project/sustainability
- processes / reconstruction
To participate we ask that you send:
- abstract proposals (from 2000 to 3000 characters, spaces included) beat in English and original languages by September 11 2020.
- full papers, only in English, will be required to be submitted by November 13 2020 and then be subjected to double-blind peer review. The length of the contributions 20000/25000 characters (abstract, notes and bibliography excluded). Authors’ affiliation and short bios (max 1000 characters, spaces included) have to be attached in a separated word file.
- illustrations (maximum 10 per article) must be collected in a .zip folder to be renamed by accompanying the author’s surname and a progressive numbering corresponding to the captions (eg 01_Cognome, 02_Cognome). These should be listed in a document written in the same font as the main text and written on a Word .doc document as follows Figure 1: Author’s name and surname, Title of the work, date. Minimum resolution of 300 dpi, .JPG file.
Abstract submission by email to:, and